This page presents the side projects I have done. Feel free to give me some feedbacks or opinions, and you are also welcome to create pull requests!

Annoying Calculator
This calculator is an iOS application which may make user annoying and it is my first iOS app for fun. After each tapping, the position of the button will be shuffled.
It is my first time to use Swift and this side project provides me an opportunity to get familiar with VStack, HStack, ZStack, and some basic functions.
▲ The original appearance
▲ The appearance after tapping
Tiny Format
It is an iOS application which can convert heif images into png images. Since there are still a lot of websites do not support heif images, the idea of this application came into my brain. Without changing the setting of iPhone camera or searching online converter, it is the fastest and most convenient way for iPhone users. This app is still under development and it will be coming soon.